Abraham Lincoln
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln
Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?
Abraham Lincoln
Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.
Abraham Lincoln
I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down.
Abraham Lincoln
I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down.
Abraham Lincoln
Whatever you are, be a good one.
Abraham Lincoln
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.
Abraham Lincoln
Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser - in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.